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How to Flash Autel IM508S Tablet Firmware?

Autel MaxiIM IM508S flash file free download and fimware flash instructions.

We can make an Upgrade Sdcard, and insert to your device and then start upgrade.


1.1.Create a Upgrade Sdcard by SDDiskTool

Insert the sdcard into the sdcard slot of the computer, or insert the card reader and connect it to the USB Port on your computer.

1.2. Unzip SDDiskTool_to your computer

Unzip SDDiskTool_v1.7-English.zip to your computer.

Your computer should be Windows OS

1.3. Open SD_Firmware_Tool.exe in the SDDiskTool_v1.7 folder

1.4. Start create upgrade card as follow picture

Follow the Firstm Second, Third steps in the picture. After the third Step, click “Create” button.

Note: If you don’t want to clear the device downloaded vehicle software, please create a txt file which named to “keepcar”. And put this file in the root directory of the sdcard.

1.5 When Create action done, The upgrade Sdcard is ready.

2.Start upgrade

2.1 Inset the upgrade SDcard into the device card slot.

2.2 Reboot the device. The device will be upgraded automatically.

2.3 After upgrade success, pull out the Sdcard, the device will be reboot.

2.4 Upgrade Done.